Here we go, friends, with the big story from the new issue, Scapula: Doubly Dark & Deadly! As is the custom of this site, I’ll be showing you all a page each Sunday for free…or, if you’d rather read it all at once, simply head over to the Scapula Store and grab this creepy convenient comic two-pack!
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Jemini and Mira Mira, and true to form they’re up to no good. Just what new scheme do they have in all of their devious brains this time? Find out next Sunday (or just, y’know, buy the rotten book)!
Damn, I have missed this comic. 🙂
Great to have you back, Sasha!
The thing I find humorous to consider: what if the real Mira Mira is living in isolation in Japan somewhere, trying to pretend she didn’t invent a duplicate with an attitude problem and a budget issue?
That is EXACTLY a plot point I considered once upon a time (I’ll see if I have any documents/sketchbook notes to prove it for the Patreon group); not sure why I never used it. Maybe it ‘complicated’ things or maybe because a similar idea was used in one of the many different Marvel timeline versions of Multiple Man.
Who knows…maybe the “real” Mira Mira is a man? Believe it…or DON’T!
Aw yeah, Scap is back! And the Miras are still jerks, I see…apparently even to each other.
Welcome back, Xydux! It’s great to have you return…unlike those snotty Mira Miras!
Aw yeah, Scap is back! And the Miras are still jerks, I see…even to each other.
Welcome back, Xydux! It’s great to have you return…unlike those snotty Mira Miras!
[yes, this is a double-post, but you may have noticed an error in the site where you can no longer see if you have a “comment pending”; it’s a weird and stupid flaw that happened when the site upgraded and I’ll try to see if I can fix it]
That’s my fault; I couldn’t remember if there was an email linked with mine, so I used both that I might have used at some point when the first one didn’t pop up a comment pending. Thanks!