It’s Scapula versus the psycho vampire! Tune in this Sunday for a horrifying face-off with pure evil (whether that’s Scap or the vampire is debatable).
It’s Scapula versus the psycho vampire! Tune in this Sunday for a horrifying face-off with pure evil (whether that’s Scap or the vampire is debatable).
Scapula’s dig? Priceless.
It WOULD be a joke…except with the perverted depths the ‘new 52’ DC will go I wouldn’t be surprised if Bat-Gimp became an actual character.
You heard it here first, folks!
That one is easily dealt with, if Scap has some gun on him. All that vamp fashion is pretty useless when you got a bullet nicely placed in your head.
…unless if the vampire has a gun. But then what if Scapula has a rocket launcher?!
But then the vampire has a laser beam!
And then Scapula unleashes a Megazord!
But he would have to drop his knives first (loss of some two seconds of reaction time). Wich gives Scap time aplenty to shot him. What with knives at a gun fight, and all that.
‘shoot’, for god’s sake!
“Aw, crap, how did he know?”
Alfred Pennyworth released his tell-all book, “Enough of this Guano: The Shameful Secrets of Bruce “Waaa-waaaa’ Wayne”.
Took a while to find some relevant advice in Jenn’s notes, but hey…… I did! What does THAT tell you about her life? I mean, ‘Get away from the lunatic’ stands for about every scenario, but barring that: “When facing opponents in armor, attempt to locate weak points such as under the arms, the backs and insides of arms, and especially locations like the achillies tendons or the eyes. Likewise even with a wide collar, a downward strike into the neck can prove effective at disabling a foe. Most notably in armor designed with fashion in mind the area including the mouth is often unarmored, leaving the jaw and teeth vulnerable. If the armor includes a clear faceplate or visor then a handful of mud or any other sticky substance can made that a liability. If there is no helmet, strike the head. If the armor has attached accessories like rank braids, cape, loose portions, or pointless extensions then move the fight to an area of clutter and narrow passage. Such things can and will get snared and hamper the foe. Note that armored foes are rarely less agile than they would be otherwise, but the armor can contribute to fatigue. Still, don’t count on that….. the average fight ends long before that becomes an issue.”
Spoken just like Jenn: a huge paragraph of fantastic fighting advice and WTF scenarios that most people will assume will never happen to them (until that day comes…).
I’ve been saying this for years: I learn so much from the readers, even if my basic instinct in combat scenarios is to run like the dickens while whooping like Curly Howard.
….. well, that about sums up MY preferred method of surviving combat. Good to know I’d have someone else for the enemy to try and chase! Just remember, if we split up they have to figure out which one they want dead!
Just as we’re settling in for an epic battle between Scap and the Vamp (sounds like a Heavy Metal duet, huh?), Buffy runs by, jabs a wooden stake in the vamp’s chest, and leaves. 😀
There’s only one vampire slayer in my book…Hugh Jackman!
Okay, I didn’t say it was a good book.