Scapula hasn’t killed anyone with his horns since the original 2007 zine. Two kills in eight years…yep, those things were a great investment.
UPDATE: a very big thanks to reader Caracan, who pointed out a pretty big continuity gaffe when this comic posted: the blade embedded in Scap’s back had magically vanished. The mistake has been corrected, and the ghost of Edward D. Wood Jr has been fired as the proofreader of this series (and I’m keeping his sweaters).
*nitpicking mode activated*
Firstly, the knifey-thingy miraculously vanished.
Secondly, yes, that would be a rather painfull injury. But by that specific angle, Scap would hit bone (the collarbones and schoulderblades of his enemy) pretty quickly. Which makes this a not so deadly, but nonetheless efective, encounter for our Space-Vorador-Lookalike here.
That said, it is still a cool move and totally works in this environment! Nicely done!
Right off the bat (ehhhh? bat? vampire?…fergit it), thank you for pointing out the mistake. The blade has rightfully been re-inserted in Scapula’s stringy flesh. All is well.
Secondly, I gave it away way too early that the vampire guy gets killed (see the next comic, posted today). I don’t think I’ve ever ‘scooped’ myself in the comments section, but I definitely did it here.
Your humble cartoonist is so ashamed that he will now go say a few rosaries, then get back to work on making more nonsensical comics!
Anything that prevents me from dying even once is an awesome investment, Aidan! 😉
They should really advertise tooshbrushes that way. I guess, in a way, it’s true!
Well they paid for themselves today. And now he gets to make a witty joke about how being horny all the time saved his life, which Hypnausia can then ruin with some reference to how the only people he ever puts it into anymore are freaks.
If Aidan uses that line, I hope he credits you, because that’s hilarious.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, c’mawn. My jokes here aren’t THAT dirty or crass!
…just a smidgen less.
What can I say? He knows how to make people horny.
About time he got some mileage out of those horns. I was wondering why he had them back after all that time…..