…what’s there to say? He’s a gangster named “Seal” and, well, he looks like a seal. That’s all there is to it, right? Just sit back and try to think what the hell is wrong with me and why I’ve made a psychotic Japanese assassin who looks like a pinniped, and tune in next week for the exciting outcome to this battle.
(And, for those of you who are dying of curiousity, Seal’s battle cry in Nihongo is, “Gyakushu”, which translates roughly as ‘counter-attack’. I stole it from a film poster for the second Godzilla film, Gojira no Gyakushu).
Hmmm… in this situation, I think it might be okay to hit a seal with a lead-filled snowshoe. It would be rather poetic, though, for him to dive in after Scap and Jemini, and then discover first-hand what one of the preferred menu items for both Great White Sharks and Killer Whales happens to be… (hint: it ain’t people…)
Funny…I think Heidi Klum will say he looks nothing like Seal.
Those pendants are great. Way different than the Grape Sode Bottle caps from Up.
Aidan, I’m truly enjoying this current storyline and you artwork is just mesmerizing me. I just get mesmerized with each panel wondering how you aced each technique. Good work, amigo!
And Jemini’s outfit gives me a nice simpering smile. She’s my favorite, favorite character so far, but this seal guy may take the lead soon. I like him.
I like how Seal Sakuro has a hat similar to Oddjob’s bowler.
I thought for a second he was going to throw his hat. Sir, your artwork is just awesome. I love the atmosphere it sets. The colors also make it feel just right.
@Hoomi It’s funny how the Bay Area never attracted that big of a shark population considering how many sea lions used to live there (for those who haven’t heard, Pier 39’s famous pinniped residents all vanished earlier this year for reasons unknown…). Orcas are bastards; an entire pack of those guys will kill a huge whale, eat only the tongue, and let the rest sink to the ocean floor. Shamu’s a real sh*t!
@Bearman Oh boy…wait until you hear him SING!
*Author’s Note: this is not a guarantee that Seal Sakuro, or any other character within the SCAPULA comic, will sing.
@George Very flattered, my friend. Jemini’s really coming into her own in this installment; she was meant to be a bigger player much earlier on in the series, but some character’s just take a little longer to develop…and I see that no one objects to her, uh, “development”.
@Dan It’s funny, because I’m not really a James Bond fan, but this looks like the second time I’ve swiped from that series (Sharkmouth is something of a knock-off of the ‘Jaws’ villain).
@Roland Thank you very kindly, Roland. Maybe he will throw his hat, or balance a ball on his noise, or play a horn, or whatever it is seals do these days…seal…buncha freeloaders, dat’s what they is!
The only character to sing in my comic was the ghost, and he sang Lionel Richie.
Ninja star throwing seals = awesomeness. Reminds me of the countless hours I’ve spent productively fashioning paper throwing stars. Those things were deadly (to make anyway). I’ve got the paper-cut scars to prove it! 🙂
Yep. Orca can really be bastards, while sharks are far less bloodthirsty and indiscriminate than most people think.
It’s just like how people perceive snakes. “Snakes are cold-blooded and vicious,” people will say, but the most heartless predator most folks will ever come into contact with is right in their home, and one they consider cute and fluffy. Housecats will literally torment a mouse for as long as they can until it dies. The snake will kill the mouse quickly.
There have been no documented attacks by wild orca on humans, I’d wager the only reason they haven’t is that they have such a remarkable intelligence that – unlike sharks – they never mistake a human for a seal.
I knew those big brown eyes that seals like to flash at us in total cuteness were a facade!! Is that a seal skin coat BTW?!? *smirk*
@Roland Oh, a none-too-subtle plug for your comic, ehhh? All right, I’ll allow it.
Metal Jaw Comics, “Home of Z & G”, the most spooktacular webcomic of them all! Read it, kiddies! Rock over London, rock on Chicago!
@SpilledInky I never had any luck with origami. Even paper airplanes were beyond my capabilities…actually, I still can’t make them. You lucky skunks!
Rob’s got paper-cut scars, man! He’s BAAAAAAD, man!
@Hoomi I’m not sure why orca leave humans alone; there are several documented incidents regarding orcas trying to eat sled dogs but none about people. Odd, innit?
As for sharks, they prefer seals over humans for one simple reason: seals are filled with yummy blubber, which is a bounty of energy for sharks (they never stop moving, as you all know). A gangly human surfer isn’t going to offer nearly as much goods as a chewy seal, so we have less of a chance of being gobbled…then again, there’s a helluva lot of shark species which simply swallow whatever comes in their path. Hey, they must have survived 400 million years for some reason!
Cats are just evil.
@jynksie Hey, let’s all appreciate the irony! Maybe he clubbed his own kids to make the coat!
Sharks are actually quite awesome. We went to Fiji in February, and I was able to touch a 14 foot Tiger Shark.
Those pendants are like fan art cubed!! Those are definitely awesome!
@Hoomi Eat it before it eats you!
@Charles Well, they’re more rounded than cubed…oh, you meant cubed like–yeah, I getcha. They’re super nice!
Aiden, I’m lovin’ how these panels are set up! That throwing star looks absolutely PAAAAINFUL!
@David Thanks a million, pal! We are all united by our love of seeing Scapula in pain.
Ninja seals with hats on a boat! Awesome.
@evandenoob Thank you kindly!
“Ninja Seals with Hats” could be the name of a techno/trance band…anyone want to take that name?
Wait a second… is it just my imagination, or – even while fleeing for his life – is Scapula staring up Jemini’s skirt as she dives overboard ahead of him? Man, if he thinks he’s in pain now, just wait until she figures out he was ogling her butt again!
@Hoomi I actually didn’t intend that, but neither can I deny that he may be sneaking a peek; further proof of how much of my naughty subconscious is taking a life of its own in SCAPULA!
Hey, it’s cheaper than therapy.
Awesome. Seals should be in more comics. I love the pendants too!
@Howie Hey, the sick genius behind Tara Normal is here! Glad you like the seal and I’m happy that so many people are loving the pendants; Lola’s been getting some good business since I posted these!