I would supply further info about that ‘cookie conspiracy’, but I kind of get the feeling someone has a sniper posted outside of my studio at all times (on a completely unrelated topic, the Skull and Bones society sure is great, yessiree, super-duper, no doubt about it…).
UPDATE: The name of this group was originally written as ‘Das Kabale der Zeitlos Nacht’, until a few of my German readers said this was poopoo grammar and the proper name should be Kabale der zeitlosen Nacht. Thank you very much for fixing my mistake (unless if you just gave me another mistake to mess with my head!) and I always appreciate the feedback.
I’m not sure about Kabale, but proper German would be “…der zeitlosen Nacht”. Good effort, though 🙂
Thank you for the feedback; as I corrected this all I could think of was that scene from Monty Python’s Life of Brian, where John Cleese corrects the Latin graffiti.
As someone who admires his own phenotype’s skewering in this strip – it is “Bilderberg”. 😀
Another typo! Sheesh, I’m on a roll today.
Also, have you ever heard of The Ventriloquist and Scarface – the Batman villains?
They’re down this list near the bottom…I heard of these characters for the first time today and was immediately reminded of Darkevilhelldeathman.
They were good villains (“were” because the Ventriloquist is dead, or at least I think he is…for all I know, the ‘new 52’ may have resurrected him), and although I didn’t really have them in mind when I created Darkevilhelldeath-Man I can see the resemblance.
Actually I think the Ventriloquist did use a sock puppet at one time (during the Knightfall story arc, maybe?). Again I plead the fifth.
Ok, was the wrong German intended? The correct form would be ‘Kabale der zeitlosen Nacht’.
Thank you very much for the correction; I’m going to have to fix a lot of comics in my queue now, but that’s what I get for not doing my homework!
Sorry to wedge it in further but the correct article would be “die”, making it “die Kabale der endlosen Nacht” and changing it from neutral die feminin. Anyway, it’s is a kick-ass name, at least when you understand it. ^^
Oy! Today just isn’t my day, is it?
Thank you as well for the correction, and the next time I want a cool-sounding name I’ll use a simpler language…like Pikachu-talk!
Just claim Hyp “misheard” it. And corrects himself in the next strip. 🙂
The censors’ll never catch it!
Just use Google – I used it to translate your German back to English so I could know what it was. And after reading the comments I tried doing the translation switchback thing – took your German, translated to English, then translated it back with the exact same words. Brought me back to the exact same words you used (“with one minor difference, their translation has “kabalen” instead of “kabale”). And I have had similar experiences translating Latin of all things (used frequently in another webcomic I follow) so I would say their translation matrix is pretty solid.
Just so ya know. 😀
type “translate to ” in the search line, will pop up the Google Translate app results appear before all the search hits. Easy.
Ooo, are you a Kula Shaker fan too?
Shoot, it’s been too long since I’ve taken German. Oh well, I’ll just do what I did while I was taking German and look up every word. “The Cabal of the Timeless Night”? Or the Ageless Night. Wait, no! The Dateless Night!
Me, too! I’ve learned a lesson that many idiots who want “foreign” tattoos learn too late: DON’T TRUST GOOGLE TRANSLATE!
Ah, secret societies. I was invited to join one back in my freewheeling youth. Funny thing, I don’t even recall what they were about or called, much less why they wanted me in. I guess they were just that secret? Eh.
“Put on your scary masks, my boys, and rule the world with me! Put on your scary masks, and become scary just like me! The world will roll onto her back and beg to be our prize……. unless someone puts on scarier masks that singe and burn our eyes.” – My pal Brian, on secret societies…… the whole poem is a rambling mess but those lines work.
Perhaps it was the Stonecutters, a secret society dedicated to…well, goofing off. Then again, when you have the voice of Patrick Stewart leading you, things seem a lot more important!
Patrick Stewart = Authority!
Ah, now it looks perfekt. It has a quite good sound to it in German.
Doesn’t everything?
How fitting that this strip should run the same week as Weird Al’s new parody video, “Foil.”
I haven’t really enjoyed Weird Al since he ditched his 80’s look. C’mon, he’s supposed to be “Weird” Al, not “Jerky Bartender at a Tiki Bar” Al!
Conspiracy theories reliably make me roll my eyes. If there’s one thing I know about humans, it’s that we are EXTREMELY bad at keeping secrets. If a conspiracy relies on more than, say, two people, it’ll pretty much be blown open by the end of the week.
That said, they make for great stories, so play on, Maestro!
I’d imagine the social media age has made it harder than ever. Every secret society out there is threatened by that one douchey member who just has to take a selfie at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Those are interesting stories as well!
Actually as a grandson of a former FDIC Chairman…believe the hype. More of the conspiracy theories are real than not; which should terrify us all, really. :>
Well can we get a translation?
You’ll never know! NEVER!
I don’t suppose that’s german for ‘the brotherhood of the tira misu’ is it?
I have never considered the fact that Scapula may have actual flesh n’ blood relatives. I would love to meet one.
Or have we met one already?