It would appear that the duplicates of Jemini and Scapula hate each other as much as the real ones do…and it also looks like the Mira Miras are easily duped into beating themselves up, further proving that an angry crowd can be made to do anything.
For those of you just joining in you may want to jump back to the beginning of the story to catch up on everything, because from here on in the story’s going to get a bit crazy (well, crazier…).
In the meantime, it’s Halloween season! What’s your favorite horror movie? OoooOOOOoooohhh!
inverto has a little alien thing going on there, thank god he can’t shoot out his second tounge mouth otherwise jemini would have to do with 1 head :O
i think sam is the only normal person in this comic at this point
Heh, I think beating ourselves up is one of humanity’s favourite things to do – and you don’t even need a crowd! One person can beat themselves up just fine :D.
Excuse me, I hear a slab of cake and a bottle of booze calling. I’ll hate myself for it later, though ;).
Mira is in two minds about it, I think! Talk about an identity crisis!
@BarbaricBob A normal person? In THIS comic?!
Sam is normal NOW, in comparison to the other idiots charging into battle, but we’ll see how much common sense she has next week.
@Kinare …where?
@AndyW Did you bring enough cake and booze for the rest of the class, young man? Aw, geez, talk about subliminal advertising…I really want some cake and a White Russian right now! Off I go!
@Treike Think about how well any of us would get along in a room full of our own duplicates. You’re inclined to think you would all agree on everything (because you’re all “the same”), but I bet most of us would get sick of ourselves pretty fast.
Ahh, Inverto, women want to be with him, men hope that one day they will lose the mental image of him and a bussload of Mira’s getting it on.
Obviously, over there!
The comedy level of this story is very amusing. By that last panel I was laughing like I just “tooted” in public and I know everyone heard me! o.O
I love how the cloned Mira’s have varying personalities despite being clones, it’s as if each of them has tapped into a segment of their personality and personified a different aspect of their like selves, depending on which Mira you have going.
Of course where Scapula is a complete failure with women, Inverto is the ladies man. Maybe before he ends up a pile of jelly, inverto can teach scap some lessons.
@ToCoWu We haven’t crossed that bridge yet, my friend…and, for all of your sakes, hopefully that bridge will be ‘out of order’.
@Kinare I think I see it. Is it sitting next to the fat guy or over there next to those Filipina girls?
@jynksie Hey, Charlie Parker tooted in public all the time, and he never felt embarrassed!
It’s all about experience and new sensations that governs how a person grows (usually); these particular Mira Miras have just experienced love, which is something the others cant grasp.
@Bearman Jelly? Does someone suspect that Inverto is going to be melted, smushed or beaten into goop by Jemini? We’ll have to wait and see who survives this battle of the ages!
But would Scapula lower himself to taking love advice from his own dupe? If it gets him laid, sure!
Well, I’ve been blinded by love, but I’ve also been blinded by science. I can’t decide which one hurt the most. You got a winner on your hands, Aidan. I don’t envy you having to draw all those millions of clones though. 😀
btw i like the split page alot!
it just tells the story a little bit better :p
P.S i gotta agree with that one mira MONEY!!!!!
Miras, Miras on the wall… and the ceiling… and the floor! Miras are mopping the floor with Miras! They say the opposite of love is apathy. I say the opposite of love is EVOL! Panel two: Tony Manero, eat yer heart out!
Gah! Chaos!
I, too, love the “split screen” you used here. And the last panel is such great fun! I dig the balance of colors there, and the “wha-huh” on Sam’s face! Classic! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
It’s so very nice that Inverto has found love… but think of the children!
Make love, not war !
Well, the problem is that inverto is fighting for love, that’s really twisted.
@George Oy…one of my regrets about doing this story is I didn’t anticipate having to draw the same character again and again, and keeping them “on model” so you know they’re duplicates. I’ve cheated in a few places and used ‘cut and paste’ (panel 5, above) but for the most part it’s been drawing this little brat over and over and OVER!
I’d hire assistants, but I’d have to pay them in lint!
@BarbaricBob the First Thanks! I wouldn’t normally use such a symmetrical layout, but it suits the story.
@BarbaricBob the Second Funny how no one listens to her, right?
@MarkStokes That was a beautiful song you just sang (it was a song, right? For a second I thought it was ‘Pink Elephants on Parade’). Love is indeed evol…but only if you look at it the wrong way. Me, I look at EVERYTHING the wrong way, so yep…evol it is.
@SquidRowMommy If anyone can reap such joy out of chaos, it’s my chaotic friend Brig, Queen of Lunacy!
It’s mad and violent now, but will fighting really matter in the end?
@JerryBenedict Who knows if Inverto can reproduce? Let’s just hope he doesn’t do so with “face-huggers” and “chest-bursters”….(shudder)…
@mehdi Depends on if you think Inverto really loves the Mira Miras or is using them for his own purposes. Which is it? Wait and see!
Haha! Love how this just proves that cloning doesn’t mean exact copies, there can always be differences!
Aidan, this is feaking hilarious! :`D and so true about mobs –er crowds, that us.
@Jenn Ain’t it the truth? Inverto’s all the proof you need!
@Jande Glad you liked! Be sure to share this comic with the next angry mob you find yourself hanging around.
Just got a random thought, regarding the fight :
Let’s come Together!
Right Now…
‘Oh Yeah’
In Sweet Harmony.
Well these are lyrics of an old song with a hot clip, if you didn’t guess.
I would really love if everything would end in a “sweet harmony” , and everyone nude …
Lint, you say? How much lint are you proposing, kind sir?
@mehdi …is that the ending you want for the comic, or for the world in general? I’ve seen people of all different shapes and body types, and I’ve got to say, I’d really rather not see everyone naked, harmonious or otherwise.
But hey, we can all sing along to your tune anyway!
@George All that money can buy!
oh my gosh, this is hilarious. i love the final pannel. poor sam, haha
@Ash Awww, thankyuh! You are the coolest of the cool.
“A person can be smart, people are dumb.” To quote Trevie, my pocket philosopher.
What can I say? I nearly hucked up my dinner at the mushy crap (fortunately filtered through reverso-vision so it was harder to absorb, ergo didn’t cause immediate vomitting). That aside, I am impressed…… at how bloody damn stupid Mira Mira is for a genius. I mean hey…… it’s not like he’s a steel dentured, plastic faced, skeleton costume wearing freak with reversed and misplaced limbs and screwy anatomy who speaks backwards…… Oh, wait.
Right now I feel for Sam. I’ve been in these situations. The old ‘A fight just broke out…. and right now neither side is making ANY sense…. so do I just start hittin’ everyone?’ moment. My options always end up being ‘yes’ or ‘absolutely’…. my enemies need it, strangers likely deserve it, and my friends expect it!
Then again, when it’s a mass cat fight, especially if they’re cute, I occasionally just shrug and watch until someone takes a swipe at me. Saves energy, gets a show, and on top of that, women tend to be vicious little hellcats, with the hair pulling and biting and clawing and other crap that just pisses me off.
…… so how do the Miras tell each other apart anyways? Secret forehead tattoos that spontaneously change when they take sides on an issue? Or are they just hitting everyone that looks like Mira?
Favorite horror flick by the way….. Halloween (not that the sadist being a huge Myers fan should surprise anyone). 3 sucked though. So did H2O for that matter. And don’t even ask about remakes…….
I really enjoy this character. Mira was a good choice for two reasons – first, because I was hoping for a lady character that wouldn’t have a butt so large you could beach a whale on it, and second, who better to build a wacky clone saga than a half-mad J-pop scientist in a silver jumpsuit? (and half-mad is right considering half of her clones are beating up the other half right now)
@LadyJenn Mira Mira has probably never been in a serious relationship, having spent most of her life studying (or maybe this is just her first time with an American boy), so she’s probably not thinking too clearly. It’s the age-old story of the naive girl who falls in love with the bad boy with steel teeth and a twisted body who bites and claws random people; I saw it in high school all the time.
I wouldn’t expect Sam to just sit on the sidelines for this fight; ridiculous as it may be, her sweetie-baby is about to get both of her heads bitten by the devilish dupe!
How do the Miras tell each other apart? They just listen carefully for which ones are screaming ‘love’ and which ones are screaming ‘science’. Simple as that.
And finally, though this is going to piss off both you and a large number of horror-film fans out there, I actually think Rob Zombie’s remake was a huge improvement over the original (I never saw the sequel, but haven’t heard anything good about it). Remakes in general never sit well with me (I’m still stinging from what Peter Jackass did to ‘King Kong’), but this particular one was pretty well thought through.
@Treike Uh oh! We got a booty-hater here! I may never speak to you again, except I’m too busy checking out booties to notice.
Mira Mira has been a lot of fun to write so far (drawing her, again and again and again, has been not so fun), so I’m glad you and the other readers are enjoying her. Well, most of the other readers.
Actually, hun, you’re welcome to your opinion about the flicks. Rob Zombie is a pretty good guy in most of his work. I just found something about the movie rubbed me the wrong way.
And yes, I weep for poor King Kong. What’d he ever do to deserve that? He and Godzilla must sit in a lonely bar somewhere pining for the good old days of pummelling each other to oblivion!
….so, betting Sam’s going to be the ‘swing vote’ here. Even if the other two goons Inverto pummelled show up, she’s more or less the biggest stick on the scene. Until Scap gets involved and the universe goes all Casserly again!
@LadyJenn I’m not stubbornly against ALL remakes (don’t forget, the Humphrey Bogart version of ‘The Maltese Falcon’ was actually the third time that story was adapted to film)…I’m just against BAD remakes. ‘King Kong’, ‘Godzilla’, ‘The Wolf Man’, ‘The Haunting’, ‘Texas Chain Saw Massacre’ and too many other classics have been ruined by remakes, and ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon’ is next up on the slab.
I actually shouted, “CRAAAAP!” in the movie theatre when ‘King Kong’ ended. Some old guy called me a jerk, but I didn’t care: after two and a half hours of Adrien Brody and Naomi Watts JUST STARING AT EACH OTHER (with the occasional bit of CGI stupidity…c’mon, KING KONG WENT ICE-SKATING IN A CHRISTMAS TREE PARK FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!) I was ready to, well, go ape on someone.
Okaaaayyyy….going to calm down now. The universe is not going Casserly.
Rob Zombie had apparently considered remaking ‘The Blob’ but, after all the negative reaction to the ‘Halloween’ films, decided to go back to his original stories. ‘Lords of Salem’ should be interesting.
I’m glad you modified your statement. Yes, this is crazy, and one can only wonder how much crazier it can get.
BTW, I love Inverto’s Pepe LePew-like love-making! Even if it IS written backwards!
@macsnafu Pepe LePew…now THAT was a creepy character. You don’t think too much of it, because he’s just a cartoon animal with a happy Mel Blanc voice, but the more you think about his actions and obsessions (and if you want to open the whole ‘sexual harassment’ can of worms…) he’s actually a little frightening.
Even the other obsessive Looney Tunes could be understood by their basic Darwinian struggle to kill, eat and survive (Wile E. Coyote, the Tasmanian Devil, Sylvester, Elmer Fudd); Pepe, however, doesn’t want to just spread the seed, he wants complete and utter control over this terrified kitty cat. The episode that ended with him actually kidnapping the cat and CHAINING HER WITH MANACLES IN HIS LOVE SHACK is a bit disturbing.
Okay, I’m reading waaaaay too much into this, but what can I say? The Halloween season makes me see the dark side of everything!
Wow that’s a turn for the books. Inverto is a real stud. I’m surprised how good I’m getting with the backwards reading too. You have taught me a valuable talent Aiden. Thanks a lot!!!
Funny you mention the universe going Casserly hun…… I just got approved for my bodyguard license this morning. This means I can now concealed carry a handgun (among other things). When my dear darling boy Jack heard that, his first question (and last….. he’s not much of a talker) was ‘When did Casserly start scripting your life?’. Goodness, I don’t think he approves of his adopted mama carting around firearms! Wonder why?
For the record, executive secretary plus bodyguard license = big pay raise. I’m essentially a legalized corporate legbreaker….. who takes dictation and fetches coffee. real life is stranger than fiction, folks!
sigh mira’s should just have one interlinked conciousness to save infighting like this
but i guess that whole free will thing that the law gives evryone a right to would have to be cast aside
@TonyMcGurk Ohhhh, sarcasm, ehhhh? Well, I just LOOOOVE sarcasm! Can’t get enough of it! Please, sir, s’more sarcasm? Oooooh, thankyew!
…wait, you were being sarcastic, right?
@LadyJenn Good Lord, I need to put a ‘child safety-lock’ on this comic.
Congrats on the promotion, and remember to only use your power for good instead of evil, because evil-doers always end up looking like goofballs in this comic series (heroes are just omitted altogether).
@BarbaricBob Nothing ruins a society more than free will, especially a society comprised of duplicates! Of course, if they all shared the ‘one mind’ theory they might all share pain; punch one and they’re ALL down!
Wow! If you had told me this was the story for this strip I would have thought “great but how the hell are you going to pull that off in one strip,” but you did it perfectly. A really awesome storyline.
But, but…… evil is sexier than good!
No I wasn’t being sarcastic. Backwards reading will be a great trick to impress people with a book & a mirror.