I might as well fess up to it: I can’t write a French accent to save my life (when Pepe le Pew is a more realistic depiction of the French it means I’ve done a bad job). I may have written other characters with absurdly over-the-top accents (such as Australian, Mexican, and Kentuckian) but this one just did not come out right now matter what.
Well, I guess the more important matter at hand is that this lady has a gun pointed at Hypnausea. What will happen to the our favorite pervert now? (no, not Pepe le Pew again)
Not Hypnausia. Never Hypnausia!
Is this it, folks? Will the unspeakable truly happen? Will we witness Hypnausea getting…LAID?!
I’m now pre-emptively blinding myself just in case.
Hypnausea? Involved in plain heterosexual coitus? Nonesense!
Well, she sure isn’t lying. M
Depends on whether getting shot is “special” (although it probably qualifies as a “big surprise”).
I would hope by now that even someone as chronically distracted as Hypnausea is aware of the situation they’re in and have SOME kind of backup plan. I mean, he’s the team’s resident snake in the grass. If he can’t get by on his brains, he probably deserves a bullet in their place.
Given the know-it-all grin pasted on his mug, I’m hoping he’s either ready for this or high as a kite on pain killers so he won’t feel it if she screws up and hits something non-vital.
why not both? ready for it AND loaded with painkillers.
“Painkillers” for us is a light aperitif for Hypnausea, a little something to take the edge off before the serious drugs come out.
I’ll answer that with a quote from The Maltese Falcon:
“Miles hadn’t many brains but he had too many year of experience as a detective to be caught like that – by a man he was shadowing – up a blind alley with his gun tucked away in his hip and his overcoat buttoned. But he would have gone up there with you, angel. He was just dumb enough for that. He’d have looked you up and down and licked his lips and gone grinning from ear to ear. And then you could have stood as close to him as you liked in the dark and put a hole through him…”
Sums up Hypnausea pretty well, if you throw in some flashy purple outfits and who-knows-what kinky toys he keeps in his pockets.
I’m really kind of torn. As little as I’d like to see a bullet-shaped hole in Hypnausea while he’s sitting sucker-bait, I’m curious who would eventually fill the Hypnausea-shaped hole in the comic later. And it would be pretty appropriate for a guy like him to get caught with his pants down so easily, I’m also really curious how he’d manage to get out of this. So really…… whatever happens is a win for me!
I’m hoping Hypnausea has something up his hospital gown sleeve.
Just thinking about places where he could hide things in a hospital gown…then I remembered that this is Hypnausea we’re talking about. Ew.
As long as it’s not a catheter or something. I may use horror in this comic, but some hospital procedures are too much for even me to show!
And we thank you.
I go cry now.
Same here! This means no Jell-O.
Hypnausea’s current “associates” aren’t the kind who would send a get-well hooker. Not too many other reasons for a beautiful, well-dressed woman to visit a drug lord criminal.
There’s PLENTY of reasons for beautiful well-dressed women (hooker or no) to visit a drug lord…the top two being “money” and “drugs”. Hypnausea doesn’t seem to have much of either at the moment.
The fact that she knew is real name(?) should have been a dead giveaway that something isn’t right.
Does Scap even know his real name?!
Vincent Alison is indeed his real name; you can read the real names of the other characters in the book collections or go digging through the Archives, depending on whether you wish to spend money or time getting the answers!
So, we are to assume that Sophia has read the Scapula books, then? 😀
There is a pill coming for Hypnausia that cures all pain… or is it ?
Hypnausea could use a reality pill (that’s bad slang, not a Matrix reference).
Zo, zee Kabal has zent it’s most dangerous assassin, Mademoiselle Mitrailleuse, to deal with zee one called Hypnausea. Zis does not look good for our favorite, how you say, pervert, n’cest pas?
That’s way better French than what I write…and better English for that matter. Well, you ARE a professor!
Naughty naughty.
Potty, potty (tee hee…potty).