Today is the Alternative Press Expo!  Sorry if I respond to comments late this week; things are bound to be hectic, what with all the travel and recuperation.  I’ll try to post a convention recap as soon as possible.

The newest SCAPULA collection, SINISTER MONSTER DOOM LEGION, is available for sale at A.P.E.  For those of you who aren’t around but want a copy, I’ll be posting info very soon about how you can order it (or pick it up next month at Comikaze in Los Angeles).

So now we know Roscoe has been working for Sharkmouth’s boys, Knuckle Sam is working for Jemini (hopefully “with benefits”), Mira Miras are working at gossiping, and Inverto is working his best “Alien” impression.  Hoo boy, wait until all of these plots collide!