What does Scapula have in mind for the problem child (besides maybe a trip to In-&-Out)? Tune in on Sunday when we finally learn what’s the deal with the odious Nazz the Nazi.
What does Scapula have in mind for the problem child (besides maybe a trip to In-&-Out)? Tune in on Sunday when we finally learn what’s the deal with the odious Nazz the Nazi.
Scap just wants to talk….. Now I’m worried.
“Have you heard about…DIANETICS? Nya haa haa haa haaaaaaarrr!”
“By the way, good job taking out that self-important slut. Now NO ONE will tell us to find our own corner of the street ever again! Muahaha!
Territory is everything in the criminal rackets, and you want to defend any street corner that’s right next to Round Table Pizza. That’s a good investment.
Oh this is gonna be interesting. Looking forward to see what happens next!
Great to hear! The end is nigh…
Now I’m having flashbacks to meeting the woman who would adopt me, also known as Lady Jenn. Miserable night, me getting beat up by some punks over walking in their turf or whatever, I don’t remember. Cue whip-crack and one of them holding his bleeding face right around the eye. And there’s this frigging huge amazonian woman in a heavy overcoat and black catsuit holding a whip. First thing she said to me: “You’re a mess and you look like you’re starving. I’ve got a loft nearby you can raid for food and sleep at, just don’t steal anything likely to have sentimental value or I’ll break you. Not your legs, not your wrists, YOU. Now come on.”
I wasn’t gonna argue.
Two years later, she was my mom.
That is seriously one of the best introductions to a story I’ve ever heard. Seriously, look into doing a Jenn biography/biopic. I’d love to hear more of her story (aside from what she shared in these hallowed comment sections over the years).
Funny, I seem to recall the story describing you holding your own surprisingly well, Jack. Seriously, we have to get together sometime and see what we can puzzle out. As insane as the story would get, it would be interesting to a lot of people.
Indeed, she made really interesting comments about her life…. and about proper weapon maintenance and usage.
Sir Jack reminds me a lot of her on that respect.
Very talkative. Very sharing and eager to socialize.
Similar topics of conversation….
Similar manner of speech…..
……Wait a minute…..
Wow. I seem to have traits similar to the woman who taught me to express myself, and interests in common. Considering I never attended school beyond about grade 5, one might not wonder if perhaps much of my education was from a gun-mad dominatrix philosopher. I prefer astronomy to firearms, but I know more about firearms and besides, they use guns in the comic. I don’t recall the last time a neutron star was a plot point.
Note to self: remove neutron star from finale.
Scap is probably the worst father figure ever.
Oh, I can think of much, much, much, much, much, much, MUCH worse.
To be fair, at least he is trying to understand her, which seems to be more than most does. Even if he is not likely to adopt her, that’s something at least!
His other plans include a little In-and-Out 😉
He’s not so much “Alex DeLarge” as “Scap DeJerk”.
Y’know I’ve puzzled over this comic for a couple hours. Really, all I can come up with is: he needs reliable allies for the future, but he needs them not to be complete morons! Might as well start with the most obviously fanatic and dumbest! If you start at one end of a scale and move along it, you can cover the whole thing.
Scapula has been wanting to work with a better class of crooks for some time now, yet he keeps ending up with wackadoos, nuttynuts, and cuckoolabanzas. I guess ‘water seeks its own level’ and all that.
The crazy are strong, motivated, and able, their only problem is they’re crazy. If you can direct that crazy properly you have men who are strong, motivated, and able! Makes sense to me.
Scap needs berserker cannon fodder to beef up his operation. Nazz fills the bill and then some. She puts the ‘sigh’ in psycho.
Maybe she’ll be literal cannon fodder? That’s right, as in Scapula can get a gigantic cannon like in those circus daredevil acts (except not faked) and shoot some of these dopey and vicious Halloween Gang kids at the enemy!