Scapula is on Amazon!
For those of you who insist on only doing your shopping on Amazon (hey, maybe Bezos needs your dough more than you do!), a new Scapula reprint collection is now available for sale. Simply titled SCAPULA, it recollects the best stories from the ‘Sunday years’ (2008-2012), including A Crappy Crime Caper, Identity Theft, Dadaman, Gangway, Sinister Monster Doom Legion, Children are the Damned; or, Li’l Scapula, Science Fiction Doubles Feature, House of Scapula, Bone China, and The Jemini Killer.
The main difference between this new book and the previous Sunday years’ collections (Scapula Vol 1: Losers Never Quit and Scapula Vol 2: Fear the Failure) is that the Amazon book is printed in a much larger format that better matches Scapula: World’s Worst Villain and Scapula: Memento Mori. If you already own the first two volumes you may not need it (unless if you like larger books), but it’s entirely up to you. The other books in the series will remain available in the Scapula Store.
You can check out SCAPULA on Amazon here; if you do indeed order it please feel free to leave a rating and review for other customers!
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